Source code for nixnet._session.intf

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

import typing  # NOQA: F401

import six

from nixnet import _props
from nixnet import constants
from nixnet.database import _frame

[docs]class Interface(object): '''Interface configuration for a session''' def __init__(self, handle): # type: (int) -> None self._handle = handle def __repr__(self): return '{}(handle={})'.format(type(self).__name__, self._handle) def __str__(self): return self._name def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, self.__class__): return self._name == other._name elif isinstance(other, six.string_types): return self._name == other else: return NotImplemented def __ne__(self, other): result = self.__eq__(other) if result is NotImplemented: return result else: return not result @property def baud_rate(self): # type: () -> int '''int: CAN, FlexRay, or LIN interface baud rate. The default value for this interface property is the same as the cluster's baud rate in the database. Your application can set this interface baud rate to override the value in the database, or when no database is used. **CAN** When the upper nibble (0xF0000000) is clear, this is a numeric baud rate (for example, 500000). NI-XNET CAN hardware currently accepts the following numeric baud rates: 33333, 40000, 50000, 62500, 80000, 83333, 100000, 125000, 160000, 200000, 250000, 400000, 500000, 800000, and 1000000. **LIN** When the upper nibble (0xF0000000) is clear, you can set only baud rates within the LIN-specified range (2400 to 20000) for the interface. ''' return _props.get_session_intf_baud_rate64(self._handle) @baud_rate.setter def baud_rate(self, value): # type: (int) -> None _props.set_session_intf_baud_rate64(self._handle, value) @property def bus_err_to_in_strm(self): # type: () -> bool '''bool: Bus Error Frames to Input Stream? Specifies whether the hardware should place a CAN or LIN bus error frame into the Stream Input queue after it is generated. ''' return _props.get_session_intf_bus_err_to_in_strm(self._handle) @bus_err_to_in_strm.setter def bus_err_to_in_strm(self, value): # type: (bool) -> None _props.set_session_intf_bus_err_to_in_strm(self._handle, value) @property def echo_tx(self): # type: () -> bool '''bool: Echo Transmit? Determines whether Frame Input or Signal Input sessions contain frames that the interface transmits. When this property is true, and a frame transmit is complete for an Output session, the frame is echoed to the Input session. Frame Input sessions can use the Flags field to differentiate frames received from the bus and frames the interface transmits. When reading frames with the :any:`nixnet.types.RawFrame`, you can parse the Flags field manually by reviewing the Raw Frame Format section. Signal Input sessions cannot differentiate the origin of the incoming data. .. note:: Echoed frames are placed into the input sessions only after the frame transmit is complete. If there are bus problems (for example, no listener) such that the frame did not transmit, the frame is not received. ''' return _props.get_session_intf_echo_tx(self._handle) @echo_tx.setter def echo_tx(self, value): # type: (bool) -> None _props.set_session_intf_echo_tx(self._handle, value) @property def out_strm_list(self): # type: () -> typing.Iterable[_frame.Frame] '''Output Stream List. The Output Stream List property provides a list of frames for use with the replay feature (:any:`out_strm_timng` property set to :any:`OutStrmTimng` ``REPLAY_EXCLUSIVE`` or ``REPLAY_INCLUSIVE``). In Replay Exclusive mode, the hardware transmits only frames that do not appear in the list. In Replay Inclusive mode, the hardware transmits only frames that appear in the list. For a LIN interface, the header of each frame written to stream output is transmitted, and the Exclusive or Inclusive mode controls the response transmission. Using these modes, you can either emulate an ECU (Replay Inclusive, where the list contains the frames the ECU transmits) or test an ECU (Replay Exclusive, where the list contains the frames the ECU transmits), or some other combination. This property's data type is an array of database handles to frames. If you are not using a database file or prefer to specify the frames using CAN arbitration IDs or LIN unprotected IDs, you can use Interface:Output Stream List By ID instead of this property. .. note:: Only CAN and LIN interfaces currently support this property. ''' for ref in _props.get_session_intf_out_strm_list(self._handle): yield _frame.Frame(_handle=ref) @out_strm_list.setter def out_strm_list(self, value): # type: (typing.Iterable[_frame.Frame]) -> None frame_handles = [frame._handle for frame in value] _props.set_session_intf_out_strm_list(self._handle, frame_handles) @property def out_strm_list_by_id(self): # type: () -> typing.Iterable[int] '''int: Output Stream List by Frame Identifier. Provide a list of frames for use with the replay feature Interface:Output Stream Timing property. This property serves the same purpose as Interface:Output Stream List, in that it provides a list of frames for replay filtering. This property provides an alternate format for you to specify the frames by their CAN arbitration ID or LIN unprotected ID. The property's data type is an array of integers. Each integer represents a CAN or LIN frame's identifier, using the same encoding as :any:`nixnet.types.RawFrame`. For CAN Frames, see :any:`nixnet.types.CanIdentifier` for parsing and generating raw identifiers. LIN frame ID values may be within the range of possible LIN IDs (0-63). See also :any:`Interface.out_strm_list`. ''' for id in _props.get_session_intf_can_out_strm_list_by_id(self._handle): yield id @out_strm_list_by_id.setter def out_strm_list_by_id(self, value): # type: (typing.Iterable[int]) -> None _props.set_session_intf_can_out_strm_list_by_id(self._handle, list(value)) @property def out_strm_timng(self): # type: () -> constants.OutStrmTimng ''':any:`nixnet._enums.OutStrmTimng`: Output Stream Timing. The Output Stream Timing property configures how the hardware transmits frames queued using a Frame Output Stream session. See also :any:`Interface.out_strm_list`. .. note:: Only CAN and LIN interfaces currently support this property. ''' return constants.OutStrmTimng(_props.get_session_intf_out_strm_timng(self._handle)) @out_strm_timng.setter def out_strm_timng(self, value): # type: (constants.OutStrmTimng) -> None _props.set_session_intf_out_strm_timng(self._handle, value.value) @property def start_trig_to_in_strm(self): # type: () -> bool '''bool: Start Trigger Frames to Input Stream? Configures the hardware to place a start trigger frame into the Stream Input queue after it is generated. A Start Trigger frame is generated when the interface is started. The start trigger frame is especially useful if you plan to log and replay CAN data. ''' return _props.get_session_intf_start_trig_to_in_strm(self._handle) @start_trig_to_in_strm.setter def start_trig_to_in_strm(self, value): # type: (bool) -> None _props.set_session_intf_start_trig_to_in_strm(self._handle, value)
[docs] def set_can_ext_tcvr_config(self, value): # type: (int) -> None '''Configure XS series CAN hardware to communicate properly with your external transceiver. Args: value(int): Bitfield ''' _props.set_session_intf_can_ext_tcvr_config(self._handle, value)
@property def can_lstn_only(self): # type: () -> bool '''bool: Listen Only? property configures whether the CAN interface transmits any information to the CAN bus. When this property is false, the interface can transmit CAN frames and acknowledge received CAN frames. When this property is true, the interface can neither transmit CAN frames nor acknowledge a received CAN frame. The true value enables passive monitoring of network traffic, which can be useful for debugging scenarios when you do not want to interfere with a communicating network cluster. ''' return _props.get_session_intf_can_lstn_only(self._handle) @can_lstn_only.setter def can_lstn_only(self, value): # type: (bool) -> None _props.set_session_intf_can_lstn_only(self._handle, value) @property def can_pend_tx_order(self): # type: () -> constants.CanPendTxOrder ''':any:`nixnet._enums.CanPendTxOrder`: Pending Transmit Order The Pending Transmit Order property configures how the CAN interface manages the internal queue of frames. More than one frame may desire to transmit at the same time. NI-XNET stores the frames in an internal queue and transmits them onto the CAN bus when the bus is idle. .. note:: You can modify this property only when the interface is stopped. .. note:: Setting this property causes the internal queue to be flushed. If you start a session, queue frames, and then stop the session and change this mode, some frames may be lost. Set this property to the desired value once; do not constantly change modes. ''' return constants.CanPendTxOrder(_props.get_session_intf_can_pend_tx_order(self._handle)) @can_pend_tx_order.setter def can_pend_tx_order(self, value): # type: (constants.CanPendTxOrder) -> None _props.set_session_intf_can_pend_tx_order(self._handle, value.value) @property def can_sing_shot(self): # type: () -> bool '''bool: Single Shot Transmit? The Single Shot Transmit? property configures whether the CAN interface retries failed transmissions. When this property is false, failed transmissions retry as specified by the CAN protocol (ISO 11898-1, 6.11 Automatic Retransmission). If a CAN frame is not transmitted successfully, the interface attempts to retransmit the frame as soon as the bus is idle again. This retransmit process continues until the frame is successfully transmitted. When this property is true, failed transmissions do not retry. If a CAN frame is not transmitted successfully, no further transmissions are attempted. .. note:: You can modify this property only when the interface is stopped. .. note:: Setting this property causes the internal queue to be flushed. If you start a session, queue frames, and then stop the session and change this mode, some frames may be lost. Set this property to the desired value once; do not constantly change modes. ''' return _props.get_session_intf_can_sing_shot(self._handle) @can_sing_shot.setter def can_sing_shot(self, value): # type: (bool) -> None _props.set_session_intf_can_sing_shot(self._handle, value) @property def can_term(self): # type: () -> constants.CanTerm ''':any:`nixnet._enums.CanTerm`: CAN Termination. The Termination property configures the onboard termination of the NI-XNET interface CAN connector (port). The enumeration is generic and supports two values: Off and On. However, different CAN hardware has different termination requirements, and the Off and On values have different meanings, see :any:`nixnet._enums.CanTerm`. .. note:: You can modify this property only when the interface is stopped. .. note:: This property does not take effect until the interface is started. ''' return constants.CanTerm(_props.get_session_intf_can_term(self._handle)) @can_term.setter def can_term(self, value): # type: (constants.CanTerm) -> None _props.set_session_intf_can_term(self._handle, value.value) @property def can_tcvr_state(self): # type: () -> constants.CanTcvrState ''':any:`nixnet._enums.CanTcvrState`: CAN Transceiver State. The Transceiver State property configures the CAN transceiver and CAN controller modes. The transceiver state controls whether the transceiver is asleep or communicating, as well as configuring other special modes. ''' return constants.CanTcvrState(_props.get_session_intf_can_tcvr_state(self._handle)) @can_tcvr_state.setter def can_tcvr_state(self, value): # type: (constants.CanTcvrState) -> None _props.set_session_intf_can_tcvr_state(self._handle, value.value) @property def can_tcvr_type(self): # type: () -> constants.CanTcvrType ''':any:`nixnet._enums.CanTcvrType`: CAN Transceiver Type. For XNET hardware that provides a software-selectable transceiver, the Transceiver Type property allows you to set the transceiver type. Use the XNET Interface CAN.Tranceiver Capability property to determine whether your hardware supports a software-selectable transceiver. The default value for this property depends on your type of hardware. If you have fixed-personality hardware, the default value is the hardware value. If you have hardware that supports software-selectable transceivers, the default is High-Speed. ''' return constants.CanTcvrType(_props.get_session_intf_can_tcvr_type(self._handle)) @can_tcvr_type.setter def can_tcvr_type(self, value): # type: (constants.CanTcvrType) -> None _props.set_session_intf_can_tcvr_type(self._handle, value.value) @property def can_io_mode(self): # type: () -> constants.CanIoMode ''':any:`nixnet._enums.CanIoMode`: CAN IO Mode. This property indicates the I/O Mode the interface is using. The value is initialized from the database cluster when the session is created and cannot be changed later. However, you can transmit standard CAN frames on a CAN FD network. ''' return constants.CanIoMode(_props.get_session_intf_can_io_mode(self._handle)) @property def can_fd_baud_rate(self): # type: () -> int '''int: The fast data baud rate for :any:`can_io_mode` of :any:`nixnet._enums.CanIoMode` ``CAN_FD_BRS`` The default value for this interface property is the same as the cluster's FD baud rate in the database. Your application can set this interface FD baud rate to override the value in the database. When the upper nibble (0xF0000000) is clear, this is a numeric baud rate (for example, 500000). NI-XNET CAN hardware currently accepts the following numeric baud rates: 200000, 250000, 400000, 500000, 800000, 1000000, 1250000, 1600000, 2000000, 2500000, 4000000, 5000000, and 8000000. .. note:: Not all CAN transceivers are rated to transmit at the requested rate. If you attempt to use a rate that exceeds the transceiver's qualified rate, XNET Start returns a warning. NI-XNET Hardware Overview describes the CAN transceivers' limitations. ''' return _props.get_session_intf_can_fd_baud_rate64(self._handle) @can_fd_baud_rate.setter def can_fd_baud_rate(self, value): # type: (int) -> None _props.set_session_intf_can_fd_baud_rate64(self._handle, value) @property def can_tx_io_mode(self): # type: () -> constants.CanIoMode ''':any:`nixnet._enums.CanIoMode`: CAN Transmit IO Mode This property specifies the I/O Mode the interface uses when transmitting a CAN frame. By default, it is the same as the XNET Cluster CAN:I/O Mode property. However, even if the interface is in CAN FD+BRS mode, you can force it to transmit frames in the standard CAN format. For this purpose, set this property to CAN. The Transmit I/O mode may not exceed the mode set by the XNET Cluster CAN:I/O Mode property. .. note:: This property is not supported in CAN FD+BRS ISO mode. If you are using ISO CAN FD mode, you define the transmit I/O mode in the database with the I/O Mode property of the frame. (When a database is not used (for example, in frame stream mode), define the transmit I/O mode with the frame type field of the frame data.) Note that ISO CAN FD mode is the default mode for CAN FD in NI-XNET. .. note:: This property affects only the transmission of frames. Even if you set the transmit I/O mode to CAN, the interface still can receive frames in FD modes (if the XNET Cluster CAN:I/O Mode property is configured in an FD mode). ''' return constants.CanIoMode(_props.get_session_intf_can_tx_io_mode(self._handle)) @can_tx_io_mode.setter def can_tx_io_mode(self, value): # type: (constants.CanIoMode) -> None _props.set_session_intf_can_tx_io_mode(self._handle, value.value) @property def can_fd_iso_mode(self): # type: () -> constants.CanFdIsoMode ''':any:`nixnet._enums.CanFdIsoMode`: CAN FS ISO Mode. This property is valid only when the interface is in CAN FD(+BRS) mode. It specifies whether the interface is working in the ISO CAN FD standard (ISO standard 11898-1:2015) or non-ISO CAN FD standard (Bosch CAN FD 1.0 specification). Two ports using different standards (ISO CAN FD vs. non-ISO CAN FD) cannot communicate with each other. When you use a CAN FD database (DBC or FIBEX file created with NI-XNET), you can specify the ISO CAN FD mode when creating an alias name for the database. An alias is created automatically when you open a new database in the NI-XNET Database Editor. The specified ISO CAN FD mode is used as default, which you can change in the session using this property. ''' return constants.CanFdIsoMode(_props.get_session_intf_can_fd_iso_mode(self._handle)) @can_fd_iso_mode.setter def can_fd_iso_mode(self, value): # type: (constants.CanFdIsoMode) -> None _props.set_session_intf_can_fd_iso_mode(self._handle, value.value) @property def can_edge_filter(self): # type: () -> bool '''bool: CAN Enable Edge Filter. When this property is enabled, the CAN hardware requires two consecutive dominant tq for hard synchronization. ''' return _props.get_session_intf_can_edge_filter(self._handle) @can_edge_filter.setter def can_edge_filter(self, value): # type: (bool) -> None _props.set_session_intf_can_edge_filter(self._handle, value) @property def can_transmit_pause(self): # type: () -> bool '''bool: CAN Transmit Pause. When this property is enabled, the CAN hardware waits for two bit times before transmitting the next frame. This allows other CAN nodes to transmit lower priority CAN messages while this CAN node is transmitting high-priority CAN messages with high speed. ''' return _props.get_session_intf_can_transmit_pause(self._handle) @can_transmit_pause.setter def can_transmit_pause(self, value): # type: (bool) -> None _props.set_session_intf_can_transmit_pause(self._handle, value) @property def can_disable_prot_exception_handling(self): # type: () -> bool '''bool: CAN Disable Protocol Exception Handling. A protocol exception occurs when the CAN hardware detects an invalid combination of bits on the CAN bus reserved for a future protocol expansion. NI-XNET allows you to define how the hardware should behave in case of a protocol exception: False (default): the CAN hardware stops receiving frames and starts a bus integration. True: the CAN hardware transmits an error frame when it detects a protocol exception condition. ''' return _props.get_session_intf_can_disable_prot_exception_handling(self._handle) @can_disable_prot_exception_handling.setter def can_disable_prot_exception_handling(self, value): # type: (bool) -> None _props.set_session_intf_can_disable_prot_exception_handling(self._handle, value) @property def flex_ray_acc_start_rng(self): return _props.get_session_intf_flex_ray_acc_start_rng(self._handle) @flex_ray_acc_start_rng.setter def flex_ray_acc_start_rng(self, value): _props.set_session_intf_flex_ray_acc_start_rng(self._handle, value) @property def flex_ray_alw_hlt_clk(self): return _props.get_session_intf_flex_ray_alw_hlt_clk(self._handle) @flex_ray_alw_hlt_clk.setter def flex_ray_alw_hlt_clk(self, value): _props.set_session_intf_flex_ray_alw_hlt_clk(self._handle, value) @property def flex_ray_alw_pass_act(self): return _props.get_session_intf_flex_ray_alw_pass_act(self._handle) @flex_ray_alw_pass_act.setter def flex_ray_alw_pass_act(self, value): _props.set_session_intf_flex_ray_alw_pass_act(self._handle, value) @property def flex_ray_auto_aslp_whn_stp(self): return _props.get_session_intf_flex_ray_auto_aslp_whn_stp(self._handle) @flex_ray_auto_aslp_whn_stp.setter def flex_ray_auto_aslp_whn_stp(self, value): _props.set_session_intf_flex_ray_auto_aslp_whn_stp(self._handle, value) @property def flex_ray_clst_drift_dmp(self): return _props.get_session_intf_flex_ray_clst_drift_dmp(self._handle) @flex_ray_clst_drift_dmp.setter def flex_ray_clst_drift_dmp(self, value): _props.set_session_intf_flex_ray_clst_drift_dmp(self._handle, value) @property def flex_ray_coldstart(self): return _props.get_session_intf_flex_ray_coldstart(self._handle) @property def flex_ray_dec_corr(self): return _props.get_session_intf_flex_ray_dec_corr(self._handle) @flex_ray_dec_corr.setter def flex_ray_dec_corr(self, value): _props.set_session_intf_flex_ray_dec_corr(self._handle, value) @property def flex_ray_delay_comp_a(self): return _props.get_session_intf_flex_ray_delay_comp_a(self._handle) @flex_ray_delay_comp_a.setter def flex_ray_delay_comp_a(self, value): _props.set_session_intf_flex_ray_delay_comp_a(self._handle, value) @property def flex_ray_delay_comp_b(self): return _props.get_session_intf_flex_ray_delay_comp_b(self._handle) @flex_ray_delay_comp_b.setter def flex_ray_delay_comp_b(self, value): _props.set_session_intf_flex_ray_delay_comp_b(self._handle, value) @property def flex_ray_key_slot_id(self): return _props.get_session_intf_flex_ray_key_slot_id(self._handle) @flex_ray_key_slot_id.setter def flex_ray_key_slot_id(self, value): _props.set_session_intf_flex_ray_key_slot_id(self._handle, value) @property def flex_ray_latest_tx(self): return _props.get_session_intf_flex_ray_latest_tx(self._handle) @property def flex_ray_list_timo(self): return _props.get_session_intf_flex_ray_list_timo(self._handle) @flex_ray_list_timo.setter def flex_ray_list_timo(self, value): _props.set_session_intf_flex_ray_list_timo(self._handle, value) @property def flex_ray_mac_init_off_a(self): return _props.get_session_intf_flex_ray_mac_init_off_a(self._handle) @flex_ray_mac_init_off_a.setter def flex_ray_mac_init_off_a(self, value): _props.set_session_intf_flex_ray_mac_init_off_a(self._handle, value) @property def flex_ray_mac_init_off_b(self): return _props.get_session_intf_flex_ray_mac_init_off_b(self._handle) @flex_ray_mac_init_off_b.setter def flex_ray_mac_init_off_b(self, value): _props.set_session_intf_flex_ray_mac_init_off_b(self._handle, value) @property def flex_ray_mic_init_off_a(self): return _props.get_session_intf_flex_ray_mic_init_off_a(self._handle) @flex_ray_mic_init_off_a.setter def flex_ray_mic_init_off_a(self, value): _props.set_session_intf_flex_ray_mic_init_off_a(self._handle, value) @property def flex_ray_mic_init_off_b(self): return _props.get_session_intf_flex_ray_mic_init_off_b(self._handle) @flex_ray_mic_init_off_b.setter def flex_ray_mic_init_off_b(self, value): _props.set_session_intf_flex_ray_mic_init_off_b(self._handle, value) @property def flex_ray_max_drift(self): return _props.get_session_intf_flex_ray_max_drift(self._handle) @flex_ray_max_drift.setter def flex_ray_max_drift(self, value): _props.set_session_intf_flex_ray_max_drift(self._handle, value) @property def flex_ray_microtick(self): return _props.get_session_intf_flex_ray_microtick(self._handle) @property def flex_ray_null_to_in_strm(self): return _props.get_session_intf_flex_ray_null_to_in_strm(self._handle) @flex_ray_null_to_in_strm.setter def flex_ray_null_to_in_strm(self, value): _props.set_session_intf_flex_ray_null_to_in_strm(self._handle, value) @property def flex_ray_off_corr(self): return _props.get_session_intf_flex_ray_off_corr(self._handle) @property def flex_ray_off_corr_out(self): return _props.get_session_intf_flex_ray_off_corr_out(self._handle) @flex_ray_off_corr_out.setter def flex_ray_off_corr_out(self, value): _props.set_session_intf_flex_ray_off_corr_out(self._handle, value) @property def flex_ray_rate_corr(self): return _props.get_session_intf_flex_ray_rate_corr(self._handle) @property def flex_ray_rate_corr_out(self): return _props.get_session_intf_flex_ray_rate_corr_out(self._handle) @flex_ray_rate_corr_out.setter def flex_ray_rate_corr_out(self, value): _props.set_session_intf_flex_ray_rate_corr_out(self._handle, value) @property def flex_ray_samp_per_micro(self): return _props.get_session_intf_flex_ray_samp_per_micro(self._handle) @flex_ray_samp_per_micro.setter def flex_ray_samp_per_micro(self, value): _props.set_session_intf_flex_ray_samp_per_micro(self._handle, value) @property def flex_ray_sing_slot_en(self): return _props.get_session_intf_flex_ray_sing_slot_en(self._handle) @flex_ray_sing_slot_en.setter def flex_ray_sing_slot_en(self, value): _props.set_session_intf_flex_ray_sing_slot_en(self._handle, value) @property def flex_ray_statistics_en(self): return _props.get_session_intf_flex_ray_statistics_en(self._handle) @flex_ray_statistics_en.setter def flex_ray_statistics_en(self, value): _props.set_session_intf_flex_ray_statistics_en(self._handle, value) @property def flex_ray_sym_to_in_strm(self): return _props.get_session_intf_flex_ray_sym_to_in_strm(self._handle) @flex_ray_sym_to_in_strm.setter def flex_ray_sym_to_in_strm(self, value): _props.set_session_intf_flex_ray_sym_to_in_strm(self._handle, value) @property def flex_ray_sync_ch_a_even(self): return _props.get_session_intf_flex_ray_sync_ch_a_even(self._handle) @property def flex_ray_sync_ch_a_odd(self): return _props.get_session_intf_flex_ray_sync_ch_a_odd(self._handle) @property def flex_ray_sync_ch_b_even(self): return _props.get_session_intf_flex_ray_sync_ch_b_even(self._handle) @property def flex_ray_sync_ch_b_odd(self): return _props.get_session_intf_flex_ray_sync_ch_b_odd(self._handle) @property def flex_ray_sync_status(self): return _props.get_session_intf_flex_ray_sync_status(self._handle) @property def flex_ray_term(self): return _props.get_session_intf_flex_ray_term(self._handle) @flex_ray_term.setter def flex_ray_term(self, value): _props.set_session_intf_flex_ray_term(self._handle, value) @property def flex_ray_wakeup_ch(self): return _props.get_session_intf_flex_ray_wakeup_ch(self._handle) @flex_ray_wakeup_ch.setter def flex_ray_wakeup_ch(self, value): _props.set_session_intf_flex_ray_wakeup_ch(self._handle, value) @property def flex_ray_wakeup_ptrn(self): return _props.get_session_intf_flex_ray_wakeup_ptrn(self._handle) @flex_ray_wakeup_ptrn.setter def flex_ray_wakeup_ptrn(self, value): _props.set_session_intf_flex_ray_wakeup_ptrn(self._handle, value) def set_flex_ray_sleep(self, value): _props.set_session_intf_flex_ray_sleep(self._handle, value) @property def flex_ray_connected_chs(self): return _props.get_session_intf_flex_ray_connected_chs(self._handle) @flex_ray_connected_chs.setter def flex_ray_connected_chs(self, value): _props.set_session_intf_flex_ray_connected_chs(self._handle, value) @property def lin_break_length(self): # type: () -> int '''int: LIN Break Length The length of the serial break used at the start of a frame header (schedule entry). The value is specified in bit-times. The valid range is 10-36 (inclusive). The default value is 13, which is the value the LIN standard specifies. At baud rates below 9600, the upper limit may be lower than 36 to avoid violating hold times for the bus. For example, at 2400 baud, the valid range is 10-14. .. note:: This property is applicable only when the interface is the master. ''' return _props.get_session_intf_lin_break_length(self._handle) @lin_break_length.setter def lin_break_length(self, value): # type: (int) -> None _props.set_session_intf_lin_break_length(self._handle, value) @property def lin_master(self): # type: () -> bool '''bool: LIN Master? Specifies the NI-XNET LIN interface role on the network: master (true) or slave (false). In a LIN network (cluster), there always is a single ECU in the system called the master. The master transmits a schedule of frame headers. Each frame header is a remote request for a specific frame ID. For each header, typically a single ECU in the network (slave) responds by transmitting the requested ID payload. The master ECU can respond to a specific header as well, and thus the master can transmit payload data for the slave ECUs to receive. The default value for this property is false (slave). This means that by default, the interface does not transmit frame headers onto the network. When you use input sessions, you read frames that other ECUs transmit. When you use output sessions, the NI-XNET interface waits for the remote master to send a header for a frame in the output sessions, then the interface responds with data for the requested frame. If you call the :any:`nixnet._session.base.SessionBase.change_lin_schedule` function to request execution of a schedule, that implicitly sets this property to true (master). You also can set this property to true using, but no schedule is active by default, so you still must call the :any:`nixnet._session.base.SessionBase.change_lin_schedule` function at some point to request a specific schedule. Regardless of this property's value, you use can input and output sessions. This property specifies which hardware transmits the scheduled frame headers: NI-XNET (true) or a remote master ECU (false). ''' return _props.get_session_intf_lin_master(self._handle) @lin_master.setter def lin_master(self, value): # type: (bool) -> None _props.set_session_intf_lin_master(self._handle, value) @property def lin_sched_names(self): # type: () -> typing.Iterable[typing.Text] '''list of str: LIN Schedule Names List of schedules for use when the NI-XNET LIN interface acts as a master (``lin_master`` is true). When the interface is master, you can pass the index of one of these schedules to the :any:`nixnet._session.base.SessionBase.change_lin_schedule` function to request a schedule change. This list of schedules is the same as ``Cluster.lin_schedules`` used to configure the session. ''' return _props.get_session_intf_lin_sched_names(self._handle)
[docs] def set_lin_sleep(self, state): # type: (constants.LinSleep) -> None '''Set LIN Sleep State Use the Sleep property to change the NI-XNET LIN interface sleep/awake state and optionally to change remote node (ECU) sleep/awake states. .. note:: Setting a new value is effectively a request, and the function returns before the request is complete. To detect the current interface sleep/wake state, use :any:`nixnet._session.base.SessionBase.lin_comm`. Args: state(:any:`nixnet._enums.LinSleep`): Desired state. ''' _props.set_session_intf_lin_sleep(self._handle, state.value)
@property def lin_term(self): # type: () -> constants.LinTerm ''':any:`nixnet._enums.LinTerm`: LIN Termination The Termination property configures the NI-XNET interface LIN connector (port) onboard termination. The enumeration is generic and supports two values: Off (disabled) and On (enabled). Per the LIN 2.1 standard, the Master ECU has a ~1 kOhm termination resistor between Vbat and Vbus. Therefore, use this property only if you are using your interface as the master and do not already have external termination. .. note:: You can modify this property only when the interface is stopped. .. note:: This property does not take effect until the interface is started. ''' return constants.LinTerm(_props.get_session_intf_lin_term(self._handle)) @lin_term.setter def lin_term(self, value): # type: (constants.LinTerm) -> None _props.set_session_intf_lin_term(self._handle, value.value) @property def lin_diag_p2min(self): # type: () -> float '''float: LIN Diag P2min This is the minimum time in seconds between reception of the last frame of the diagnostic request message and transmission of the response for the first frame in the diagnostic response message by the slave. .. note:: This property applies only to the interface as slave. ''' return _props.get_session_intf_lin_diag_p2min(self._handle) @lin_diag_p2min.setter def lin_diag_p2min(self, value): # type: (float) -> None _props.set_session_intf_lin_diag_p2min(self._handle, value) @property def lin_diag_stmin(self): # type: () -> float '''float: LIN Diag STmin master: The minimum time in seconds the interface places between the end of transmission of a frame in a diagnostic request message and the start of transmission of the next frame in the diagnostic request message. slave: The minimum time in seconds the interface places between the end of transmission of a frame in a diagnostic response message and the start of transmission of the response for the next frame in the diagnostic response message. ''' return _props.get_session_intf_lin_diag_stmin(self._handle) @lin_diag_stmin.setter def lin_diag_stmin(self, value): # type: (float) -> None _props.set_session_intf_lin_diag_stmin(self._handle, value) @property def lin_alw_start_wo_bus_pwr(self): # type: () -> bool '''bool: LIN Start Allowed without Bus Power? Configures whether the LIN interface does not check for bus power present at interface start, or checks and reports an error if bus power is missing. When this property is true, the LIN interface does not check for bus power present at start, so no error is reported if the interface is started without bus power. When this property is false, the LIN interface checks for bus power present at start, and an error is reported if the interface is started without bus power. .. note:: You can modify this property only when the interface is stopped. ''' return _props.get_session_intf_lin_alw_start_wo_bus_pwr(self._handle) @lin_alw_start_wo_bus_pwr.setter def lin_alw_start_wo_bus_pwr(self, value): # type: (bool) -> None _props.set_session_intf_lin_alw_start_wo_bus_pwr(self._handle, value) @property def lin_ostr_slv_rsp_lst_by_nad(self): # type: () -> typing.Iterable[int] '''list of int: LIN Output Stream Slave Response List By NAD A list of NADs for use with the replay feature (:any:`nixnet._session.intf.Interface.out_strm_timng` set to Replay Exclusive or Replay Inclusive). For LIN, the array of frames to replay might contain multiple slave response frames, each with the same slave response identifier, but each having been transmitted by a different slave (per the NAD value in the data payload). This means that processing slave response frames for replay requires two levels of filtering. First, you can include or exclude the slave response frame or ID for replay using Interface:Output Stream List or Interface:Output Stream List By ID. If you do not include the slave response frame or ID for replay, no slave responses are transmitted. If you do include the slave response frame or ID for replay, you can use the Output Stream Slave Response List by NAD property to filter which slave responses (per the NAD values in the array) are transmitted. This property is always inclusive, regardless of the replay mode (inclusive or exclusive). If the NAD is in the list and the response frame or ID has been enabled for replay, any slave response for that NAD is transmitted. If the NAD is not in the list, no slave response for that NAD is transmitted. ''' return _props.get_session_intf_lin_ostr_slv_rsp_lst_by_nad(self._handle) @lin_ostr_slv_rsp_lst_by_nad.setter def lin_ostr_slv_rsp_lst_by_nad(self, value): # type: (typing.List[int]) -> None _props.set_session_intf_lin_ostr_slv_rsp_lst_by_nad(self._handle, value) @property def lin_no_response_to_in_strm(self): # type: () -> bool '''bool: LIN No Response Frames to Input Stream? Configure the hardware to place a LIN no response frame into the Stream Input queue after it is generated. A no response frame is generated when the hardware detects a header with no response. For more information about the no response frame, see ``nixnet.types.NoResponseFrame``. ''' return _props.get_session_intf_lin_no_response_to_in_strm(self._handle) @lin_no_response_to_in_strm.setter def lin_no_response_to_in_strm(self, value): # type: (bool) -> None _props.set_session_intf_lin_no_response_to_in_strm(self._handle, value) @property def lin_checksum_to_in_strm(self): # type: () -> bool """bool: LIN Checksum to Input Stream? Configure the hardware to place the received checksum for each LIN Data frame into the Event ID (Info) field. When ``False``, the Event ID field contains ``0`` for all LIN Data stream input frames. """ return _props.get_session_intf_lin_checksum_to_in_strm(self._handle) @lin_checksum_to_in_strm.setter def lin_checksum_to_in_strm(self, value): # type: (bool) -> None _props.set_session_intf_lin_checksum_to_in_strm(self._handle, value) @property def src_term_start_trigger(self): # type: () -> typing.Text '''string: Source Terminal Start Trigger Specifies the name of the internal terminal to use as the interface Start Trigger. This property is supported for C Series modules in a CompactDAQ chassis. It is not supported for CompactRIO, PXI, or PCI (refer to :any:`nixnet._session.base.SessionBase.connect_terminals` for those platforms). The digital trigger signal at this terminal is for the Start Interface transition, to begin communication for all sessions that use the interface. This property routes the start trigger, but not the timebase (used for timestamp of received frames and cyclic transmit of frames). Routing the timebase is not required for CompactDAQ, because all modules in the chassis automatically use a shared timebase. Use this property to connect the interface Start Trigger to triggers in other modules and/or interfaces. When you read this property, you specify the interface Start Trigger as the source of a connection. When you write this property, you specify the interface Start Trigger as the destination of a connection, and the value you write represents the source. The connection this property creates is disconnected when you clear (close) all sessions that use the interface. ''' return _props.get_session_intf_src_term_start_trigger(self._handle) @src_term_start_trigger.setter def src_term_start_trigger(self, value): # type: (typing.Text) -> None _props.set_session_intf_src_term_start_trigger(self._handle, value) @property def _name(self): # type: () -> typing.Text return _props.get_session_intf_name(self._handle)