Source code for nixnet.database._lin_sched

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

import typing  # NOQA: F401

from nixnet import _cconsts
from nixnet import _errors
from nixnet import _props
from nixnet import constants

from nixnet.database import _cluster
from nixnet.database import _collection
from nixnet.database import _database_object
from nixnet.database import _find_object

[docs]class LinSched(_database_object.DatabaseObject): """Database LIN schedule""" def __init__( self, **kwargs # type: int ): # type: (...) -> None if not kwargs or '_handle' not in kwargs: raise TypeError() self._handle = kwargs['_handle'] from nixnet.database import _lin_sched_entry self._entries = _collection.DbCollection( self._handle, constants.ObjectClass.LIN_SCHED_ENTRY, _cconsts.NX_PROP_LIN_SCHED_ENTRIES, _lin_sched_entry.LinSchedEntry) def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, self.__class__): return self._handle == other._handle else: return NotImplemented def __ne__(self, other): result = self.__eq__(other) if result is NotImplemented: return result else: return not result def __hash__(self): return hash(self._handle) def __repr__(self): return '{}(handle={})'.format(type(self).__name__, self._handle)
[docs] def check_config_status(self): # type: () -> None """Check this LIN schedule's configuration status. By default, incorrectly configured schedules in the database are not returned from :any:`Cluster.lin_schedules` because they cannot be used in the bus communication. You can change this behavior by setting :any:`Database.show_invalid_from_open` to `True`. When a schedule configuration status becomes invalid after the database is opened, the schedule still is returned from :any:`Cluster.lin_schedules` even if :any:`Database.show_invalid_from_open` is `False`. Raises: :any:`XnetError`: The LIN schedule is incorrectly configured. """ status_code = _props.get_lin_sched_config_status(self._handle) _errors.check_for_error(status_code)
[docs] def find( self, object_class, # type: typing.Type[_database_object.DatabaseObject] object_name, # type: typing.Text ): # type: (...) -> _database_object.DatabaseObject """Finds an object in the database. This function finds a database object relative to this parent object. This object may be a grandparent or great-grandparent. If this object is a direct parent (for example, :any:`Frame<_frame.Frame>` for :any:`Signal<_signal.Signal>`), the ``object_name`` to search for can be short, and the search proceeds quickly. If this object is not a direct parent (for example, :any:`Database` for :any:`Signal<_signal.Signal>`), the ``object_name`` to search for must be qualified such that it is unique within the scope of this object. For example, if the class of this object is :any:`Cluster`, and ``object_class`` is :any:`Signal<_signal.Signal>`, you can specify ``object_name`` of ``mySignal``, assuming that signal name is unique to the cluster. If not, you must include the :any:`Frame<_frame.Frame>` name as a prefix, such as ``myFrameA.mySignal``. NI-XNET supports the following subclasses of ``DatabaseObject`` as arguments for ``object_class``: * :any:`nixnet.database.Cluster<Cluster>` * :any:`nixnet.database.Frame<_frame.Frame>` * :any:`nixnet.database.Pdu<Pdu>` * :any:`nixnet.database.Signal<_signal.Signal>` * :any:`nixnet.database.SubFrame<SubFrame>` * :any:`nixnet.database.Ecu<Ecu>` * :any:`nixnet.database.LinSched<LinSched>` * :any:`nixnet.database.LinSchedEntry<LinSchedEntry>` Args: object_class(``DatabaseObject``): The class of the object to find. object_name(str): The name of the object to find. Returns: An instance of the found object. Raises: ValueError: Unsupported value provided for argument ``object_class``. :any:`XnetError`: The object is not found. """ return _find_object.find_object(self._handle, object_class, object_name)
@property def clst(self): # type: () -> _cluster.Cluster """:any:`Cluster`: Get the parent cluster in which the you created the schedule. You cannot change the parent cluster after creating the schedule object. """ handle = _props.get_lin_sched_clst_ref(self._handle) return _cluster.Cluster(_handle=handle) @property def comment(self): # type: () -> typing.Text """str: Get or set a comment describing the schedule object. A comment is a string containing up to 65535 characters. """ return _props.get_lin_sched_comment(self._handle) @comment.setter def comment(self, value): # type: (typing.Text) -> None _props.set_lin_sched_comment(self._handle, value) @property def entries(self): # type: () -> _collection.DbCollection """:any:`DbCollection`: Collection of :any:`LinSchedEntry` for this LIN schedule. The position of each entry in this collection specifies the position in the schedule. The database file and/or the order that you create entries at runtime determine the position. """ return self._entries @property def name(self): # type: () -> typing.Text """str: Get or set the name of the LIN schedule object. Lowercase letters, uppercase letters, numbers, and the underscore (_) are valid characters for the short name. The space ( ), period (.), and other special characters are not supported within the name. The short name must begin with a letter (uppercase or lowercase) or underscore, and not a number. The short name is limited to 128 characters. A schedule name must be unique for all schedules in a cluster. """ return _props.get_lin_sched_name(self._handle) @name.setter def name(self, value): # type: (typing.Text) -> None _props.set_lin_sched_name(self._handle, value) @property def priority(self): # type: () -> int """int: Get or set the priority of a run-once LIN schedule. This priority applies when multiple run-once schedules are pending for execution. The valid range for this property is 1-254. Lower values correspond to higher priority. This property applies only when the :any:`LinSched.run_mode` property is ``ONCE``. Run-once schedule requests are queued for execution based on this property. When all run-once schedules have completed, the master returns to the previously running continuous schedule (or null). Run-continuous schedule requests are not queued. Only the most recent run-continuous schedule is used, and it executes only if no run-once schedule is pending. Therefore, a run-continuous schedule has an effective priority of ``255``, but this property is not used. Null schedule requests take effect immediately and supercede any running run-once or run-continuous schedule. The queue of pending run-once schedule requests is flushed (emptied without running them). Therefore, a null schedule has an effective priority of ``0``, but this property is not used. This property is not read from the database, but is handled like a database property. After opening the database, the default value is returned, and you can change the property. But similar to database properties, you cannot change it after a session is created. """ return _props.get_lin_sched_priority(self._handle) @priority.setter def priority(self, value): # type: (int) -> None _props.set_lin_sched_priority(self._handle, value) @property def run_mode(self): # type: () -> constants.LinSchedRunMode """:any:`LinSchedRunMode`: Get or set how the master runs this schedule. This property is not read from the database, but is handled like a database property. After opening the database, the default value is returned, and you can change the property. But similar to database properties, you cannot change it after a session is created. Usually, the default value for the run mode is ``CONTINUOUS``. If the schedule is configured to be a collision resolving table for an event-triggered entry, the default is ``ONCE``. """ return constants.LinSchedRunMode(_props.get_lin_sched_run_mode(self._handle)) @run_mode.setter def run_mode(self, value): # type: (constants.LinSchedRunMode) -> None _props.set_lin_sched_run_mode(self._handle, value.value)