Source code for nixnet.system._device

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

import typing  # NOQA: F401

from nixnet import _cconsts
from nixnet import _props
from nixnet import constants

from nixnet.system import _collection
from nixnet.system import _interface

[docs]class Device(object): '''Physical XNET devices in the system.''' def __init__(self, handle): # type: (int) -> None self._handle = handle self._intfs = _collection.SystemCollection( self._handle, _cconsts.NX_PROP_DEV_INTF_REFS, _interface.Interface) self._intfs_all = _collection.SystemCollection( self._handle, _cconsts.NX_PROP_DEV_INTF_REFS_ALL, _interface.Interface) def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, self.__class__): return self._handle == typing.cast(Device, other)._handle else: return NotImplemented def __ne__(self, other): result = self.__eq__(other) if result is NotImplemented: return result else: return not result def __hash__(self): return hash(self._handle) def __repr__(self): # type: () -> typing.Text return '{}(handle={})'.format(type(self).__name__, self._handle) @property def form_fac(self): # type: () -> constants.DevForm ''':any:`nixnet._enums.DevForm`: XNET board form factor.''' return constants.DevForm(_props.get_device_form_fac(self._handle)) @property def intf_refs(self): # type: () -> _collection.SystemCollection '''iter of :any:`nixnet.system._interface.Interface`: Interfaces associated with this device.''' return self._intfs @property def intf_refs_all(self): # type: () -> _collection.SystemCollection '''iter of :any:`nixnet.system._interface.Interface`: Interfaces associated with this device. This Includes those not equipped with a Transceiver Cable. ''' return self._intfs_all @property def num_ports(self): # type: () -> int '''int: The number of physical port connectors on the XNET board.''' return _props.get_device_num_ports(self._handle) @property def num_ports_all(self): # type: () -> int '''int: The number of physical port connectors on the XNET board. This Includes those not equipped with a Transceiver Cable. ''' return _props.get_device_num_ports_all(self._handle) @property def product_num(self): # type: () -> int '''int: The numeric portion of the XNET device product name.''' return _props.get_device_product_num(self._handle) @property def product_name(self): # type: () -> typing.Text '''str: The XNET device product name.''' return _props.get_device_name(self._handle) @property def ser_num(self): # type: () -> int '''int: Serial number associated with the XNET device.''' return _props.get_device_ser_num(self._handle) @property def slot_num(self): # type: () -> int '''int: Physical slot where the module is located within a chassis.''' return _props.get_device_slot_num(self._handle)